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RSJ founding partner tony rose

Say Hello to the Elephants Quadrant One: Clarity

This article by Tony A. Rose first appeared in the Spring 2014 issue of Business World magazine, a publication by Russell Bedford11057214-rbnewlogobkeyrc International. The elephant in the room – English idiom meaning that which all can see but none choose to discuss or confront. We all have elephants – problems, needs or truths that we ignore even though we must face up to them. Often our elephants may be of a professional nature. We may also have personal elephants. In Say Hello to the Elephants I offer a way to confront issues, along with tools to address problems, achieve clarity, and make decisions. I call this Quadrant Thinking. Quadrant Thinking Quadrant Thinking is a four-part process. In a series of four articles I will present an overview of each quadrant. • Quadrant One: Clarity

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A Peer Reviewer Interview

Stephane Vachon oversees the Accounting and Auditing Department and the SEC Practice at Rose, Snyder & Jacobs. He has professional expertise with reorganization plans, feasibility and profitability analyses, and national corporate insolvency practice for financially troubled companies. He is also a member of the California Society of CPA’s Peer Review Committee, which means that in addition to his numerous responsibilities at the RSJ office, he is often found visiting other accounting firms in the LA area conducting Peer Reviews. What are Peer Reviews, you may ask? For one, it is a required, periodic outside review of a firm’s accounting and auditing practice aimed at helping the firm maintain and improve the quality of its services. For more information on the process itself, we have the answers straight from our resident expert below.

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The Importance of Nurturing Your Relationship with So-Called “Strangers”

I write in my second book, Five Eyes on the Fence, about the importance of protecting your social capital. My thesis is that financialFive Eyes on the Fence_WEB capital is a byproduct of four other types of capitals. When human, social, intellectual, and structural capital are well-tended, financial capital flourishes. Social capital can be summarized in two words: Relationships matter. The strength of your relationship with clients, potential clients, vendors, employees, and colleagues determines the extent to which these relationships can be accessed as a resource. The stronger the social capital, the more likely your financial capital will benefit. And the stronger your relationship with strangers, the better your social capital. I know what you are thinking, “Wait a minute: How can a person have a relationship with a stranger? Isn’t not knowing the person the very definition of a stranger?”

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Artists are Business People, Too!

Earlier this month, I had the honor of being a guest speaker in my friend John White’s class at Otis College. John teaches in the areas of Advertising Design and Communication Arts, and it was clear the group of students I was spending the afternoon with were a creative, inquisitive bunch.So they probably wondered why an Accountant was coming in to talk to them — especially an accountant who had just published a book. The creative types hire the number crunchers to manage the left brain-stuff, right? Fortunately, I know that I don’t talk like an Accountant is supposed to talk. And I brought with me a set of values cards for each of them, so that instead of listening to me pontificate on how they must do business when they graduate, they were engaged in identifying what is important to them now. We then looked, as a group, at how these values impact decision making both in business and in everyday interpersonal relations.We also defined and discussed human capital, structural capital, social capital, and intellectual capital, and how these things are just as important as your financial bottom line. If you want to...

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Risks to Avoid When Outsourcing Payroll

Outsourcing your company’s payroll has many of benefits, but many pitfalls as well. I recently contributed to an article on Business News Daily on avoiding these risks. Read the article here. I’d like to thank writer, Brittney Helmrich for including my thoughts in her article. Related Posts:Thinking About Outsourcing Your Company’s Payroll Services?Kolbe Wisdom Changes the Game for Rose, Snyder & Jacobs. What’s YOUR Pixie Dust?

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Thinking About Outsourcing Your Company’s Payroll Services?

I recently had the opportunity to chime in on this subject for an article in Business News Daily. If you’re thinking about outsourcing your company’s payroll this may be helpful. And, as always, we are here to help answer questions you may have. Credit: Krasimira Nevenova/ShutterstockEvery business, no matter how small, needs to process payroll, and deciding how you want to manage payroll is an important step.While some small business owners prefer to do their own payroll in-house, there are many benefits to using a payroll service. With so many options to choose from, however, finding the right one can be overwhelming. >> Read moreRelated Posts:Kolbe Wisdom Changes the Game for Rose, Snyder & JacobsFive Eyes on the FenceGetting Control of Your Business

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Five Eyes On The Fence

Some of you might know that I am in the process of finishing up a manuscript for my second book. Manuscript. I like saying that word. It sounds prestigious and dignified. And the truth is that this book is the culmination of close to seven years of reflection. This book represents the challenges I try to solve when consulting with our business clients. You see, many of my partners and I don’t solely give accounting and tax advice. Often, a simple tax question can turn into a complex discussion of the intricacies of doing business, so we help our clients with all five of their business’s capitals, not just their financial capital and tax-planning needs. That’s right: A business has five capitals. Take RSJ, for instance. My first book, Say Hello to the Elephants, is an element of RSJ’s Intellectual Capital. The book explained our quadrant planning-process, which is a Structural Capital that we use to help our clients solve problems. Speaking of our clients, our network of clients, colleagues and associates represents a portion of the Social Capital of our company. And this sequential-step process (quadrant planning) helps us live up to the refer-ability standards that are part of …

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California United Bank Charity Golf Tournament

On October 28, 2013, Rose Snyder & Jacobs sponsored the 7th annual California United Bank Charity Golf Tournament to benefit the following charities: The Boys & Girls Club West Valley Easter Seals Disability Services CASA PACIFICA…

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LA Housing

Helping the Children of L.A. Family Housing On Sunday August 11, 2013 RSJ sponsored and hosted a summer fundraising event helping the children of L.A. Family Housing and bringing smiles to their faces. RSJ  provided entertainment…

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Tax Senior Associate

The Job: A Senior Tax Associate will utilize his or her educational background as well as communication and organizational skills assist in preparing tax returns and research. In this role, you will be charged with utilizing…

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Tax Associate

The Job: A Tax Associate will utilize his or her educational background, communication and organizational skills in adjusting clients' books, preparing tax returns and doing research. In this role, you will be charged with utilizing basic…

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What’s YOUR Pixie Dust?

My kids are all grown up now (gulp), so it's been a while since I read Peter Pan, but I have to say: I always loved the story. The thought that you could sprinkle a little pixie dust on something and it would magically work, always intrigued me.

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Broken Promises

For those of you who know me, it is no secret that I am (well, really, I have been) fat. I wasn't obese, but I have been heavy for as long as I can remember.

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Ned was not doing well. And it wasn't the “Someone-posted-something-political-on-Facebook” kind of not doing well. His professional life wasn't going as planned and he felt unsettled.As he was sitting in my office, he explained that his…

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Plans and Life Scripts – Part 2

Last time I gave an overview of a few books that are changing the way I think about thinking. And things I think I've thunk. The Sandler Success Principles: 11 Insights That Will Change the Way…

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