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Micro Promises

Most of us keep our big promises, but all too often, we make tons of tiny little “micro-promises” that we either never keep.
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President-Elect Trump’s Impact on Your Taxes

While some are happy and some are protesting the election of Donald Trump as our next president, one thing is certain: Changes will be made to the tax and business climate. Many are speculating about what might happen, but no one really knows what President-Elect Trump's administration or the Congress will propose and will pass.
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At Level

June is employee review month at Rose, Snyder & Jacobs. It is a month of reflection, recounting, and projection.
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Please, Oh Please: Let the Air Escape!

I have always been a loud talker. The employees who sit in cubicles outside my office can attest to this. Why, just this morning alone, they heard more than a few expletives that escaped from the walls of my office. Many of them probably know personal details I have confessed only to a few close friends—albeit it very loudly.
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Tapping Into Social Capital for a Great First Impression

Founding Partner Tony Rose has written and spoken about the important role Social Capital plays in the success of your business. So, it is not surprising that at RSJ we place a great deal of importance on your first point of contact with our firm. Meet Jessica Hull.
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Pain Denial Syndrome (PDS) – One of the Best Kept Dirty Little Secrets

Our great friend and mentor, Dr. Brad Spencer of Spencer, Shenk, Capers, has spent a lifetime considering and counseling business executives. He recently shared this previously unpublished article on suffering. He has given me permission to share his wisdom with all of our friends and clients. PAIN DENIAL SYNDROME (PDS) Yes, I just made up the term…(there is no such thing in the DSM-5, the bible of psychological disorder diagnosis.) But tell me it does not exist and I will point to several contradictions.
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On the Passing of My Son

My son was taken from us on July 27, 2015. He was just one month and one day shy of his twenty-ninth birthday. The loss was extreme and shocking for everyone who knew him—for his mother and his little sister, for his many friends and his girlfriend, and for me. Before Jonny was born, my wife, Chris, and I were happy. Then Jonny turned us into parents, and in doing so, he conceived a warmer, richer blanket of love than we had ever known. If you are a parent, you know.
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What’s YOUR Pixie Dust?

My kids are all grown up now (gulp), so it's been a while since I read Peter Pan, but I have to say: I always loved the story. The thought that you could sprinkle a little pixie dust on something and it would magically work, always intrigued me.
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Broken Promises

For those of you who know me, it is no secret that I am (well, really, I have been) fat. I wasn't obese, but I have been heavy for as long as I can remember.
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