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The intensity is extraordinary.


In fact, when an accountancy firm represents a seller during an m&a transaction, the intensity is even more extraordinary than it is during tax season.


“Unlike tax season, there is no deadline with an m&a transaction,” said Jake Jacobs, a founding partner at Rose, Snyder & Jacobs LLP, and the head of the firm’s merger and acquisition practice. “When a buyer asks for information, we provide it at any time of day. And just when we think we have provided all the information necessary, the buyer comes back and asks for more.”

It’s non-stop, sometimes for several weeks, and sometimes for several months.


This is why we are so proud to highlight Natalie Nabati, one of our tax seniors who represented a company that needed to create and attest to two years’ worth of missing bookkeeping records as part of an acquisition.


“Natalie was spectacular,” said Jake. “She spent 14 or 15 hours a day making sure that the books were complete, accurate, and unassailable. Our job was to make the seller look good—to make sure that there were no unanswered questions with respect to its books. Natalie carried that load, and we were able to answer every one of the buyer’s questions.”


This acquisition was particularly intense given that the number of deals taking place has been greatly diminished due to the coronavirus-related shutdowns. Banks are unable to fund as many m&a transaction deals because their coffers are dedicated to PPP loans.


“A lot of deals have been falling out of bed, or they have been put on pause,” said Jake. “As a result, the need for us to do a great job here was even more important.”


“Natalie was patient, smart, and accurate. She took great pride in her work, and she knew what she was doing,” said Jake. “The bottom line was that for four weeks, seven days a week, for up to fifteen hours a day, Natalie was my best friend.”


On top of that, Natalie was also helping clients with their PPP loan-funding. In the early stages, when the guidelines were incomprehensible and even bankers were unable to navigate the process, Natalie was able to decode information, compile forms that bankers should have been compiling, and navigate applications.


We know that our team members are not on the front lines in the same way that healthcare workers and grocery store employees are. Nonetheless, some of our employees—and Natalie is one of them—have helped our clients bring back their workforce so that more people are able to care for their families during this chaotic time.


Is it too much to call them heroes? I don’t think so …


Thank you, Natalie, for being one of the RSJ heroes!


Natalie Nabati has been with Rose, Snyder & Jacobs since 2017.   She is a Senior Tax Accountant who enjoys handling the accounting services and prep work for tax returns for our high net worth families.   She also hopes to take on and assist with more of our real estate clients in the future as well.  Her continued service at our firm, serves us all.

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