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When acquiring, merging or selling a business, it is important to gain a clear picture through detailed analysis, thorough due diligence and quality information about your potential acquisition, merger or sale.  At RSJ, we provide you the guidance and assistance you need through these processes, with the help of our quadrant planning method.  Our services begin with planning and identifying acquisition or selling targets, and include negotiations, structuring and closing.  We help our clients identify both the value and risk in any transaction and perform the necessary due diligence to ensure that their interests are protected at all times.

  • Planning:
    • Defining Goals and Outcomes
    • Identifying Acquisition Targets
    • Analyzing Value and Risk
  • Due:
    • Audit & Financial Services
    • Tax Services
    • Operational and Technology Assessments
    • Sale & Purchase Agreement Consulting
  • Structuring:
    • Tax Structuring
    • Acquisition Structuring
    • Accounting & Financing Structuring
  • Financing:
    • Investment Banker Selection
    • Debt versus Equity Financing
    •  Equity Retention
  • Post-Closing:
    • Post-Merger Consulting
    • Accounting System Consolidation and Integration
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