Article Featured in the September Issue of Valley Lawyer
Read "Why Clients Stall and What Estate Planning Attorneys Can Do About it" by Tony A. Rose in this month's issue of Valley Lawyer Magazine.
Read "Why Clients Stall and What Estate Planning Attorneys Can Do About it" by Tony A. Rose in this month's issue of Valley Lawyer Magazine.
What do you do when your core values go against the grain of ethics?
Jake Jacobs featured as "Power Accountant" in this week's issue of the San Fernando Valley Business Journal.
When tragedy happens, you can either let it overcome you, or you can sit with the pain that you feel long enough to harness it and turn it into power.
In my latest appearance on Smashing the Plateau, David and I discuss business coaching, which is something I find extremely valuable.
In his second book, Eric Swenson of RSJ Swenson offers strategies on finding the best employees.
As of January 1, 2016, the California Franchise Tax Board has updated its website. Learn more about how this might affect you.
I have always been a loud talker. The employees who sit in cubicles outside my office can attest to this. Why, just this morning alone, they heard more than a few expletives that escaped from the walls of my office. Many of them probably know personal details I have confessed only to a few close friends—albeit it very loudly.
My 28-year-old son died in July. Writing these words stops me. I sit in my seat, staring at them. How can they be true? It is hard to move past these words today, in particular. It is one day before Thanksgiving, and I am wondering how I will make it through tomorrow—the first big holiday without my son.
When someone is interested in purchasing another business, it is common practice to hire an accounting firm to investigate the affairs of that prospective purchase. We recently welcomed one such firm to complete some due diligence on one of our clients.
Founding Partner Tony Rose has written and spoken about the important role Social Capital plays in the success of your business. So, it is not surprising that at RSJ we place a great deal of importance on your first point of contact with our firm. Meet Jessica Hull.
Our great friend and mentor, Dr. Brad Spencer of Spencer, Shenk, Capers, has spent a lifetime considering and counseling business executives. He recently shared this previously unpublished article on suffering. He has given me permission to share his wisdom with all of our friends and clients. PAIN DENIAL SYNDROME (PDS) Yes, I just made up the term…(there is no such thing in the DSM-5, the bible of psychological disorder diagnosis.) But tell me it does not exist and I will point to several contradictions.
My son was taken from us on July 27, 2015. He was just one month and one day shy of his twenty-ninth birthday. The loss was extreme and shocking for everyone who knew him—for his mother and his little sister, for his many friends and his girlfriend, and for me. Before Jonny was born, my wife, Chris, and I were happy. Then Jonny turned us into parents, and in doing so, he conceived a warmer, richer blanket of love than we had ever known. If you are a parent, you know.
At RSJ, we pride ourselves on staying on top of newly implemented regulations and requirements. As part of its primary purpose to facilitate healthcare reform, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) includes key tax provisions that affect businesses, and so we felt it is important to share the following reminders with our clients and colleagues.
When doing any public speaking it’s important to remember that you’re taking other people’s time; whatblah may be interesting to you may not be to them. The best advice I ever heard about public speaking came from communications expert Gary Hankins, which was something like this: · Tell the audience what you’re going to be saying. · Say it. · Then say what you said. Pretty good advice. Most folks are able to start talking easily enough, but where I see people fail most often when it comes to public speaking is the inability to wrap it up.
We are thrilled to share that Founding Partner, Tony A. Rose is featured in the current issue of the San Fernando Valley Business Journal as part of the publications special report on Accounting.
After 29 years in any career, it is easy to forget what it was like when you were finishing school, wondering what your future held and how you would actually put your degree to use. Thanks to a professor friend of mine at Cal Lutheran University, I have the opportunity several times a year to meet with CPA students who are in exactly this position. I am able to talk candidly about my three decades at the firm of Rose, Snyder, & Jacobs, about the business and what to expect from it and how to succeed in the accounting world. One of the topics I like to focus on — especially with this generation — is ethics. It is important that students go into this industry with their ethics intact. We discuss cases of fraud by using examples of our own clients, as well as some cases that have made the national headlines. We talk about the reasons accountants might be willing to go along with these unethical practices, as well as how they ultimately got caught and the consequences their actions delivered.
This article by Tony A. Rose first appeared in the Spring 2015 issue of Business World Magazine, a publication by Russell Bedford rbedford-logoInternational. We all have elephants – professional or personal problems, needs or truths that we ignore, usually to our detriment. In Say Hello to the Elephants, I offer a powerful system for confronting issues, along with tools to address problems, achieve clarity, and make decisions. I call this system Quadrant Thinking. In this, the third of four articles, I present an overview of Quadrant Three: Implementation. Implementation In Quadrant Two, we looked at solutions and how you reach the goals you defined in Quadrant One. In Quadrant Three we look at implementing your solutions. That’s it. Just implement.
This article by Tony A. Rose first appeared in the Fall 2014 issue of Business World magazine, a publication by Russell Bedford11057214-rbnewlogobkeyrc International. We all have elephants – problems, needs or truths that we ignore even though we must face up to them. Often our elephants may be of a professional nature. We may also have personal elephants. In Say Hello to the Elephants I offer a way to confront issues, along with tools to address problems, achieve clarity, and make decisions. I call this Quadrant Thinking. In this, the second of four articles, I present an overview of Quadrant Two: Solutions. Solutions In Quadrant One we looked at reaching clarity and how that makes everyday problems manageable. Having achieved clarity and defined your goals you know where you want to go. In Quadrant Two we will look at how you get there: your solutions. Above all, your solutions must be SMART: • Specific • Measurable • Actionable • Relevant • Time-bound