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“To all those who have taken the entrepreneurial leap. This book is a tribute to you.”

This is the dedication in Gino Wickman’s forthcoming book, Leap, and it gives me the chills—in a good way. There are few things I have loved more than taking the entrepreneurial leap myself, and watching my clients try and stumble and then succeed.

I am a lifelong learner, and I have grown the most not from my own entrepreneurial endeavors, but rather from studying the lessons learned from my clients and colleagues who are out in the world pursuing their ideas, believing that they have muster, and refusing to quiet their dreams.

With that in mind, I wanted to share Gino’s website promotion for Leap, which you can find here:

You can download a free chapter on the site, and you can take the Entrepreneur-in-the-Making Assessment, and, of course, you can pre-order the book.

I have, of course, already ordered my copy.

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